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Ambassador's blog: Last destination - Hartenberg

We spent our last week on tour in beautiful enviroment of castle Hartenberg. And we were not alone - at the same time volunteers from all around the world had been there on a workcamp organized by our umbrella organization INEX-SDA . We used our common time there to pass them our methodology, so they could experience it themselves and even be part of workshops with local children.

Our ambassador Sammy asked them about their first experience with Football3 (Football as a tool for development and education). Read them bellow:

Name: Hanna
Country: Ukraine

„I was really looking forward to learn more about Football3. I work with kids from Ukraine and I was eager to learn something new to show them, they love football. But it turned out to be not only about playing football. It’s about safety, teamwork and collaboration. And it’s not only for kids, you can use these methods we’ve learned with adults too. Sharing is caring."

Name: Bára
Country: Czechia

„It is hard to sum up the whole experience in two or three sentences. But mainly, the biggest value efor me was this chance to meet people through football, people from my country but also from abroad and share, give and recieve knowledge, skills, laugh and love.“

Name: Marta
Country: Portugal

„It’s not possible to explain this in few words. All this experience and this new vision of football represents the meaning of true friendship and cooperation. From all the things I have learned with these people, I can for sure tell you that everything I give, I recieve more. Mountains don’t meet mountains but human beings do."

Name: Aneta
Country: Czechia

„I didn’t really know what to expect at the very beginning, maybe because I’m not really familiar with football. But it turned out to be really useful tool for work not only with children but also with adults. I am sure that it will help me while working with people in the future. Thank you for everything, you are really doing GREAT JOB!"

Name: Yoo Chan
Country: Korea

„When I moved to another city and went to new elementary school, I had hard time to make new friends. But after playing football together, it was really easy to become friends. I think the best way to get familiar with other people is playing sport together. Football is really fun, especially when I score a goal!“

The peak of the activites and the campaign itself was the tournament day as usual. It was a day full of fair play, fun and a beatiful night around the fireplace full of sharing.

We believe everyone enjoyed the campaign as much as us and we are looking forward to see you next year. Or even before!



Ansley Hofmann

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Veronika Dobrovská

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